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(A fact brilliantly laid out

(A fact brilliantly laid out in the video below.) I, cheap jordans online like many others, believed that the game was left versus right. That, if you could just get the right number of "your party" into Congress, the Senate, etc. you"d come out ahead. But this is not the case. A prominent Harvard Law Professor , Lawrence Lessig, recently wrote: louis vuitton handbags outlet online We came together around a simple point of agreement : From the Right and the Left, citizens increasingly believe that our Republic does not work. Reform of any kind is stalled by a status quo that profits from blocking change. No side in the political debate benefits from this inertia. We have a Congress that"s so thoroughly captured by narrow interests louis vuitton sale outlet, subject to so many perverse incentives, that it"s overwhelmingly disdained by the people whom it"s supposed to represent with recent polls showing only 12% confidence ratings.


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