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Once you have a safe

Once you have a safe chandelier selected, you can begin the decorating process highfly shoes . If you want to add a fresh new look to an old chandelier in a hurry, simply give it a fresh coat of paint. Try using a fun and funky shade such as pink, purple or even lime green. You could also paint the chandelier white highfly shoes , www.highflyshoes.com using fun accent colors to paint designs on the frame. Or highflyshoes, try draping the chandelier with swaths of fabric, creating a fun canopy effect. You could also create a mobile from the chandelier cheap michael jordan shoes , suspending flowers, cheap jordan shoes for sale trinkets and charms from the arms. If you have some artistic talent, you might also want to try painting the chandelier in a more detailed fashion. For example, you could paint the light fixture white. Then add black zebra stripes once the base coat has dried. Adorn the arms of the chandeliers with hot pink bows to add even more fun.


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