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The following article is from the official Crafty Bastards Events Guide which you can pick up in this week Washington City Paper on stands now cheap jordans . By Bridget Elmer of Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts Best Evidence that Bright Ideas Should Never Be Left on the Shelf cheap ugg boots clearance : Household Appliance Lamp by Minda Art Here the problem with household collectibles: They"re hardly ever household usables louis vuitton sale .; cheap ugg boots Sure, that vintage tea kettle or beehive blender may look great just sitting there, but it not lifting a Bakelite finger to help out with the chores. D.C. artist Melinda Minda; Merinsky has an enlightening solution: Turn said slacker appliance into a keep earning, warmly glowing lamp. She can do the same to land line phones, nondigital cameras, even mason jars any old knickknack that can accommodate a bulb, some wire, cheap ugg boots outlet and her expansively witty design sensibility. She takes commissions, too and aren"t chances good that your workhorse of a coffeepot is ready to be liberated from the never ending task of keeping you caffeinated ? Minda invites you to flip its switch and give it a chance to shine. Visit Minda"s Art in the Vendor Gallery Best Gift for the Closet Drinker: Hangovers by Hogmalion amp; Company


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