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I"ve been running around

I"ve been running around somewhat the last few days ; ugg boots outlet cheap DJing at the Fendi and Gentlewomanparties, vox popping Dionne Bromfield cheap jordans for sale! cheap jordans , cheap ugg boots louis vuitton handbags outlet online Amanda Harlech and Francesca Gavinamongst others, dashing to Good Vibes to catch Nahid glowing in her spanking new studioon film and now head down for Battersea Decorative Arts Fair at the end of the week. Just typing that sentence made me exhausted!We have some free passes for the fair so don"t forget to message me if you want me to leave you one on the door we"re going for a very different look to our last stand, I can"t wait to start slapping paint about!!! Add a Comment


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